Robert Tonks
I have mastered the art of Carbon production .I use HI TECH CARBON production techniques cost effective .I have mastered the art of wood VINIGAR production .
I claim to be the First person to manufacture BIOCHAR In a liquid form .
I grow protozoa from rhino dung to rehabilitate PFAS Fire fighting foam contaminated soil and water .
I produce Activated charcoal / Biochar/for Hi-tech CARBON sequistration and low tech Co2 capture.
Carbon Credits from carbon sequistrated back into the soil .
Continouse improvement driving the cost to produce down to claim the carbon Credit .
Eliminating waste food ,clothing and eating utensils ending up in Land Fill .
Converting waste in Carbon C6
I have three different types of machinery to produce Carbon in many different forms .
Carbon is my thing ! spelling and punctuation is not !
I am a tradesman I design and build my own equipment .
I have been granted a Ph.D on my data presented ,on the findings by Converting Liquid Bio dunder from the sugar Cane process , into Activated CHARCOAL.